So, I tried playing Everyday shooter again and was reminded how hard that game is for some reason. I think I can beat it with allot of practice. I recommend everyone to try it sometime. It available for download in the file catalog.
Myself and Witboy have started working on the clan bio. It's coming along okay, i guess. Just want to get input from a few more people then we should be good. I was wondering if anyone knew what old DE clan website had our last official bio. It was a more in your face, Fuck you bio. If anyone can redirecting to the web page that be nice, thanks.
Here's some of what we got so far...
Dark Eden clan
ID: FallenMoogla
Established 2005 or earlier (Has gone by different names before 2007, but same members)
Dark Eden is a friendly clan clan for all ages from all countries. We welcome you to join our community. We span our selves across a large varie
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