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Forum moderator: Kira, FallenMoogla, Viper2550  
Huntress and Prey
KiraDate: Wednesday, 2013-09-25, 8:07 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 11
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(This is the first few parts of the first chapter of my Vayne fanfiction. PM me reviews if you wish, ideas on how to improve my writing, ideas for plot, whatever.)

Vayne settled into aneasy, slow stride as she headed out of Demacia, out into the outskirts of the
mighty city. This was to be her most important quarry, this night could mean
life or death. He was a fiend, a heartless man who murdered simply to witness his
victim's blood spill forth. This was unacceptable. Even though the city-state
of Noxus didn't disapprove of Vladimir's "hobbies", Vayne had to act.
Several people had turned up dead in Demacia, Piltover, and some of the small
cities in between. The manner of their death all the same- the blood within
their bodies had been forcibly pulled from their chest, leaving them a dry husk
of a person.

The night hunter pulled her cloak tighter around herself as she continued onward, the soft
leather cloak that hung down to her ankles doing well to fend off the night
chill. It would be a long trek to where her intelligence had placed Vladimir,
the crimson reaper. Her bright red eyes showed no fear behind her wine colored
glasses. This is what she had spent so much time training for, preparing

The so called “night hunter” was ready for whatever might come her way.

KiraDate: Wednesday, 2013-09-25, 8:08 PM | Message # 2
Group: Administrators
Messages: 11
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KiraDate: Wednesday, 2013-09-25, 8:08 PM | Message # 3
Group: Administrators
Messages: 11
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KiraDate: Wednesday, 2013-09-25, 8:09 PM | Message # 4
Group: Administrators
Messages: 11
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KiraDate: Wednesday, 2013-09-25, 8:09 PM | Message # 5
Group: Administrators
Messages: 11
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