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Views: 1697 | Added by: FallenMoogla | Date: 2015-01-03 | Comments (0)

Here comes the new Dark Eden!!! YEAH

Views: 1783 | Added by: FallenMoogla | Date: 2014-07-26 | Comments (0)

Name Dark Eden Clan
Port 3849
Phonetic Dark Eden
Comment Ventrilo Server
Version 3.0.6
Codec Speex 32 KHz
Clients 5 / 25
Uptime Since November 10, 2011 11:45 PM CST
Auth No Authentication Required
Views: 8268 | Added by: FallenMoogla | Date: 2013-09-22 | Comments (0)

Views: 1462 | Added by: FallenMoogla | Date: 2013-09-22 | Comments (0)

yes it is true. We have finally upgraded to a bigger slot size. The ventrilo server is now a 50 man Vent. Not just that, we have also paid for an entire year. So, have fun inviting more people to hang out and fill those extra spots, now that we have them. ENJOY!
Views: 2275 | Added by: FallenMoogla | Date: 2011-08-06 | Comments (2)

This News post has The original post from League of Legends announcing their new map and game mode. Then a Post on G4TV.com discussing all the finer details of the map and game mode. Lastly I added the video trailer for the new content.

Original post from League of Legends forums

Tryndamere's Avatar
President ... Read more »
Views: 1327 | Added by: FallenMoogla | Date: 2011-08-04 | Comments (4)

Yes I changed the look of ventrilo game channels, just trying it out for a bit.
Big change, unseen change, I'm going through ranks and accounts changing up powers and titles. So, Watch yourself!

That is all have fun gaming!

(see blog for more info.)
Views: 3281 | Added by: FallenMoogla | Date: 2010-12-03 | Comments (1)

 From what I read and heard the server rack fro v11 and v18 decided to have a hardware failure. They took out the drives and placed them into a new machine. Everything should be working fine now.

It sucks that we had downtime, but if you read the forum link in the last news post you'll see that are very informative on whats going on and very quick at getting things done.
Views: 1269 | Added by: FallenMoogla | Date: 2010-11-10 | Comments (0)

Views: 1098 | Added by: FallenMoogla | Date: 2010-11-10 | Comments (1)

Hi Thomas,

Effective October 29th, 2010 at 11:00 a.m. EST (tomorrow), the IP Address for your server will be changing to Anyone using the old IP address to connect to your server will be unsuccessful.

As mentioned, the new server IP that you should begin to distribute IMMEDIATELY will be:

If you know anyone that connects to your server using the IP Address we ask that you please have them use the generic hostname v11.hostventrilo.com to connect to your server. Connecting with the hostname allows for us to make a change like this without any inconvenience to you or your users.

Absolutely none of your saved information will be lost. Your users, channels and all other settings will be backed up and fully restored on the new server.

The reason for this urgent server move is to get our Ventrilo clients on to our new Chicago servers that we are now colocating (no more renting). All clients should notice a s ... Read more »

Views: 1219 | Added by: FallenMoogla | Date: 2010-10-29 | Comments (0)

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