Hi Thomas, Effective October 29th, 2010 at 11:00 a.m. EST
(tomorrow), the IP Address for your server will be changing to Anyone using the old IP address to connect to your server
will be unsuccessful. As mentioned, the new server IP that you should begin to distribute IMMEDIATELY will be:
If you know anyone that connects to your server using the IP Address we
ask that you please have them use the generic hostname
v11.hostventrilo.com to connect to your server. Connecting with the
hostname allows for us to make a change like this without any
inconvenience to you or your users. Absolutely none of your
saved information will be lost. Your users, channels and all other
settings will be backed up and fully restored on the new server.
The reason for this urgent server move is to get our Ventrilo clients
on to our new Chicago servers that we are now colocating (no more
renting). All clients should notice a significant Network improvement as
we'll now be using a mix of Premium bandwidth such as Internap, nLayer
& Level 3. If I could quickly repeat myself... No
information will be lost. All you need to do is give your users the new
IP of and they will be ready to connect when we make the
change on Oct. 29th, 2010! Anyone connecting with a hostname address
will NOT have to change anything. We'll be updating all hostname IP's
from our end meaning you don't need to do anything! WHAT LOCATION AM I BEING MOVED TO?
Your Ventrilo Server is going to remain in Chicago but we're now
hosting out of a different building, on better hardware and with premium
bandwidth providers. WHAT VENTRILO SERVER INFORMATION IS GOING TO CHANGE? The only server setting that is going to change is your IP address.
Your port number, all of your users, channels, permissions, etc will
remain the exact same. Again, the only item that is changing is your IP
address. WILL I EXPERIENCE ANY DOWNTIME? It's possible that
your server will be unavailable for up to 45 minutes while we make the
move on Friday morning (tomorrow). Once the move is completed, the new
servers will be opened to the public and your Ventrilo service will
As mentioned, anyone using the v11.hostventrilo.com hostname will NOT
NEED to change anything! Anyone using the IP address to connect should
be given the new IP address immediately. This will allow them to prepare
for the change. WHEN WILL MY NEW SERVER GO LIVE? The new
server will go live on Friday October 29th, 2010 - 11:00 a.m. EST or
shortly after. We will stop your old server at this time and enable your
new server. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. We sincerely appreciate your understanding during this server move. Regards, Jeff Piper HostVentrilo.com